tclap  1.4.0
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CAnyOfImplements a group of arguments where any combination is possible (including all or none)
 CArgA virtual base class that defines the essential data for all arguments
 CArgContainerInterface that allows adding an Arg to a "container"
 CArgExceptionA simple class that defines and argument exception
 CArgGroupArgGroup is the base class for implementing groups of arguments that are mutually exclusive (it replaces the deprecated xor handler)
 CArgParseExceptionThrown from within the child Arg classes when it fails to properly parse the argument it has been passed
 CArgTraitsArg traits are used to get compile type specialization when parsing argument values
 CArgTraits< std::string >
 CCmdLineThe base class that manages the command line definition and passes along the parsing to the appropriate Arg classes
 CCmdLineInterfaceThe base class that manages the command line definition and passes along the parsing to the appropriate Arg classes
 CCmdLineOutputThe interface that any output object must implement
 CCmdLineParseExceptionThrown from CmdLine when the arguments on the command line are not properly specified, e.g
 CConstraintThe interface that defines the interaction between the Arg and Constraint
 CDeferDeleteDeferDelete can be used by objects that need to allocate arbitrary other objects to live for the duration of the first object
 CDocBookOutputA class that generates DocBook output for usage() method for the given CmdLine and its Args
 CEitherOfImplements a group of arguments where at most one can be selected
 CExclusiveArgGroupImplements common functionality for exclusive argument groups
 CExitExceptionThrown when TCLAP thinks the program should exit
 CHelpVisitorA Visitor object that calls the usage method of the given CmdLineOutput object for the specified CmdLine object
 CIgnoreRestVisitorA Visitor that tells the CmdLine to begin ignoring arguments after this one is parsed
 CMultiArgAn argument that allows multiple values of type T to be specified
 CMultiSwitchArgA multiple switch argument
 COneOfImplements a group of arguments where exactly one must be selected
 CSpecificationExceptionThrown from Arg and CmdLine when an Arg is improperly specified, e.g
 CStdOutputA class that isolates any output from the CmdLine object so that it may be easily modified
 CStringLikeA string like argument value type is a value that can be set using operator=(string)
 CStringLikeTraitA class can inherit from this object to make it have string like traits
 CSwitchArgA simple switch argument
 CUnlabeledMultiArgJust like a MultiArg, except that the arguments are unlabeled
 CUnlabeledValueArgThe basic unlabeled argument that parses a value
 CValueArgThe basic labeled argument that parses a value
 CValueLikeA value like argument value type is a value that can be set using operator>>
 CValueLikeTraitA class can inherit from this object to make it have value like traits
 CValuesConstraintA Constraint that constrains the Arg to only those values specified in the constraint
 CVersionVisitorA Visitor that will call the version method of the given CmdLineOutput for the specified CmdLine object and then exit
 CVisitorA base class that defines the interface for visitors